
I am so glad Alex and I got to enjoy CycLOUvia for a bit yesterday. Basically, one of Louisville's busiest streets was blocked off from motorized vehicles for 3 miles for the afternoon. It was open to bikes, walkers, skateboarders, people doing yoga, you name it. It was a really great to experience riding down Bardstown Road being invigorated instead of terrified by traffic. We got some lunch and I brought along my camera, so get ready for a photo-heavy post...
This is (kind of) what it's like riding on the back of our tandem bike.
A friend of ours and his family being super adorable.
Bands were scattered in front of several businesses down the street.
And of course, the local high school had their boys taking advantage of the open road (I cropped their faces out, but there are some good ones... one boy even yelled "tag me!" as they ran by! Ha!)
The man who sold us our tandem (the owner of Parkside bike shop on Bardstown Road) being interviewed for TV.
Coolest thing ever! he's peddling in there!.... and the rest of these, I just thought were pretty...
 There is talk of this becoming a somewhat regular event, and I could not be happier. It was a ton of fun. I only wish I had more time to spend there (dang schoolwork). If you have a bike, go out and enjoy the beautiful Fall weather. If you live in Louisville, let people know you want another CycLOUvia to happen. You won't regret it. Until next time xoxo Natalie

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